There is no greater legacy one can have than to improve the lot of others

The invisibility of migrant suicides

As a young child I remember the absorption of sadness by some of Sydney’s Greek community of the suicide by a newly-arrived young male Greek. Years later I would read some of his letters to the homeland, yearning to...


The Custody Notification Service must be national

When someone is arrested and detained they are at an elevated risk to life-threatening levels of anxiety. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are at much higher risk than the rest of the population because of the distrust that has...

human rights shadow 2

Risk of death high after release from prison

Gerry Georgatos November 9th, 2015 Not enough is being done for people while in jail. There are far too many people in prison mentally unwell rather than criminally minded. There are far too many incarcerated for low level offending. When it...

Four Hands Joined Together

So are there too many non profits?

Colin Penter April 3rd, 2014 Like Deborah Allcock Tyler I am constantly annoyed when I hear business people, Ministers, senior people in Government agencies, and many people in the non profit sector complain that there are too many non profits, particularly too many small...